Thank you to all our attendees, presenters, volunteers, and staff for making the inaugural Rutgers University–New Brunswick Student Success Conference a success!
We look forward to use our new-found knowledge and newly built connections to continue our work in supporting the success of our students!
About the Student Success Conference
The Student Success Conference is an opportunity for Rutgers–New Brunswick faculty and staff to share their work, network with colleagues across departments, develop new skills, and advance student success work across the campus. This year's conference will focus on the three priorities for Pillar III: Student Success outlined in the Academic Master Plan:
- Create a welcoming and equitable learning environment for all students
- Prioritize on-time graduation with minimal debt for all students
- Expand high-impact learning opportunities, such as internships, research and more, to best prepare students for future success
This year’s theme—Celebrate, Motivate, Inspire, and Recharge—highlights the opportunity to share ideas and experiences while building and strengthening our connections as colleagues, thus further deepening and expanding our work in service of our Scarlet Knights.
2023 Keynote Speaker
Freeman A. Hrabowski, III, President Emeritus of The University of Maryland, Baltimore County.
2023 Education Sessions
Please find below the possible education sessions for the Student Success Conference 2023 below. Please note: These sessions may change and do not necessarily represent the final conference offerings. Click here for session abstracts.
- A Longitudinal Summer Pathway Program Model that Boosts Student Success
- A Paul Robeson Living-Learning Community Experience: Perceptions of Success, Belonging and Connectedness, and Exploring Hidden Figures
- Academic Coaching: Foundational Principles and Applications to Other Learning Contexts
- Academic Mentoring: Welcoming First-Generation students to the SEBS Community
- Artificial Intelligence and Student Success
- Back on Track Support Group: A Student-Driven Academic Coaching Initiative
- Byrne Seminar: "Practicing Precision Medicine with Data Analysis"
- Centering Undocumented College Students: The Role of Institutional Agents in an Undocuserving Environment
- Developing Equity-Minded Resident Leaders: DEI Skill-Building for Success
- Engaging Post-Graduation Survey Data in High-Impact Career Development Program Development
- General Biology’s Support of the First Year Transition with High Impact Practices: Promoting Equity through Study Skills Development and Inclusivity
- Good Fences Make Good Neighbors: Driving Institutional Change through Collaboration and Community
- Improving the quality and impact of academic advising by tapping into upperclassmen experiences and developing their leadership skills
- Leading with Languages at Rutgers and Beyond: Three Ambassador Programs
- Nurturing the Future: Undergraduate Leadership Throughout Rutgers
- Purpose and a Paycheck: An emerging framework for engaging faculty in credit-bearing post-graduation student success high impact practices (HIP's) in Arts and Sciences course. The presenters will build in time for discussion and feedback on assessment and scaling strategies.
- Rethinking Our Virtual Space: Reimagining and RevolUtionizing the Student Experience with the Creation of the myRutgers Dashboard
- RJ at Rutgers
- RU Intentional? Promoting career readiness and a high impact focus in the student experience
- Sewing your way to the student voice: Quilting as an assessment method
- Students Teaching Students: Exploring the First-Year Interest Group (FIGS) course
Summer Session: Ingredient to Student Success - Talented and Highly Pressured: Success Strategies for High-Achievers
- Teaching in a Multilingual Space: Strategies for Creating a Welcoming and Equitable Learning Environment for a Linguistically Diverse Campus
- The How To and the How Come of Building a Peer Mentor Program
- The Instructor vs. ChatGPT Cage Match
- Universal Design Principles for Inclusive Classroom Activities
- Walking Through Our Doors: A look at the past, present, and future of incoming undergraduate students at RU-NB