Feeling safe is fundamental to student success. Rutgers University offers 24/7 emergency response services for public safety, medical and psychological concerns, fire, and support for those impacted by interpersonal violence or other crimes. We recognize that the university is large and complex, and often it is difficult to know which office to call. If it is an urgent and immediate issue, help is a phone call or text away.
As member of our academic community, we want each and every student to know the resources for themselves and also to help others for whom there is a concern. In addition to urgent needs, offices provide options for walk-in or scheduled appointments for advice or counseling services. If you find yourself needing help navigating college life, an interpersonal issue, or your emotions, or if you are concerned for someone else, check out these resources. We are here for you, so please call and let us know so we can help. We are committed to your safety, well-being and success.
Need help finding support?
Campus Resources
Annual Security and Fire Safety Report | Safety Matters
Public Safety
This information is provided as part of Rutgers' commitment to safety and is in compliance with the federal Student Right-to-Know and Campus Security Act of 1990, Public Law 101-542, as amended to the Clery Act of 1998.
The RUPD publishes the comprehensive security report known as "Safety Matters" annually as required under the Jeanne Clery Act of 1998.
Campus Connect: Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper Training
Rutgers Student Health
Suicide touches us all regardless of ability, age, gender identity race, socio-economic status, sexual orientation, and more. This 2hr experiential training, aims to increase knowledge about statistics, risk & protective factors, warning signs, and campus resources concerning college student suicide. It will enable participants to demonstrate kindness and empathy towards others, helping them to respond caringly and effectively to those experiencing a wide range of emotional crises. Visit go.rutgers.edu/Campus-Connect for more information, campus-wide training dates, or to schedule a closed session with your group or student organization.
Child Seat Inspection Station
Public Safety
Rutgers University Public Safety is committed to serving the community. The child passenger safety inspection station is open on the first Thursday of each month. During the scheduled times, certified technicians are on hand to assist in ensuring your child safety seat is properly installed. If you are using a GPS to get to our station, please do not make the first left onto Bartholomew; continue down and make your second left onto Titsworth Place. A google map can be accessed to see a street view of the inspection location.
Location Hours of Operation Contact
129 Davidson Road First Thursday of each month Lieutenant Stephen Acquaviva
Piscataway, NJ 08854 3:00pm – 7:00pm Child Passenger Safety Technician Instructor
848-932-4806, carseat@ipo.rutgers.edu
Please reference the resources below for additional information regarding child passenger safety.
Division of Highway Traffic Safety Child Passenger Safety Information: https://www.njoag.gov/about/divisions-and-offices/division-of-highway-traffic-safety-home/division-of-highway-traffic-safety-child-passenger-safety/
Safe Kids Car Seat Safety Tips: Car Seat Safety Tips | Safe Kids Worldwide
Safe Kids New Jersey Inspection Station: Safe Kids New Jersey | Safe Kids Worldwide
National Highway Transportation Safety Administration Car Seats and Booster Seats Information: Car Seat & Booster Seat Safety, Ratings, Guidelines | NHTSA
Community Concern Reporting
Rutgers is a community that cares. We DO SOMETHING when we are concerned about one of our community members. We understand that there are times when a student’s journey of learning and growth may become rough along the way. These rough points may be personal, emotional, psychological, academic, substance use or other types of challenges that may interfere with their ability to succeed and thrive at the university. There are times when people may observe a behavior and feel concerned. These concerns may be part of a larger story for a student facing challenges. Thus, it is important to Do Something and share your concerns so that the student can get assistance as soon as possible before the issues grow too large.
A Community Concern Report is not for an emergency. For any concern requiring immediate attention, contact RUPD 732-932-7211 or 911.
Concerns of sexual misconduct, relationship violence, stalking, or pregnancy
Office of Student Affairs Compliance & Title IX
The Office of Student Affairs Compliance & Title IX strives to provide a safe campus environment free from all forms of sex discrimination. We accomplish our mission through a collaborative approach that primarily focuses on addressing reported misconduct and providing education to the Rutgers community. We are committed to facilitating equitable response and resolution to all reported incidents of sexual harassment, sexual violence, relationship violence, stalking, and related misconduct among students. We are also proud to provide awareness of Title IX by offering trainings, education, and other outreach efforts to the Rutgers community. Any student who experiences sexual harassment, sexual violence, stalking, or relationship violence is encouraged to report incidents to the Title IX Office, and to seek support from the confidential resources available on our campus and in the local community.
Cultural Centers
The Cultural Centers at Rutgers are committed to fostering a safe, inclusive, and supportive environment for all students by addressing relevant social and political issues. Together, the Center for Social Justice and LGBTQ Communities, Asian American Cultural Center, Paul Robeson Cultural Center, and Center for Latino Arts and Culture are often referred to as the Cultural Collaborative. In addition to educational and programmatic initiatives, each Center offers support with reporting or processing local, national or global incidents of bias.
Dean of Students - Advocacy, Outreach & Support
Student Affairs
The office of the Dean of Students – Advocacy, Outreach & Support assists students experiencing unexpected challenges which impact academic performance, time to degree completion, finances, and their overall student experience. The office serves as a support network by providing advocacy, problem solving strategies, resource referral, and critical incident intervention when additional assistance is needed.
Students may meet with a staff member during Virtual Drop-In Hours (Monday – Thursday, 1:30pm– 4:30pm) or a scheduled appointments (Monday – Friday, 9:00am – 4:00pm). See Requesting Assistance to learn more about the best way to connect with the office, complete forms for Virtual Drop-In Hours, Scheduled Appointments, or Absence and Verification Notices.
Disability Services
Office of Disability Services (ODS)
The Office of Disability Services (ODS) provides academic accommodations and ensures access for students with disabilities.
Our team provides the necessary tools, resources and support for individuals with disabilities to become responsible decision-makers and self-advocates in charge of their own future.
The Office of Disability Services at Rutgers works collaboratively with students, faculty and staff in order to provide guidance, support, resources, and academic accommodations to ensure equal opportunity and access.
Ultimately, our goal is to spread knowledge and awareness throughout the university and beyond to establish an inclusive community that values diversity, acceptance, and academic achievement.
Lost and Found
Public Safety
Any item that is presumed stolen on the New Brunswick campus should be immediately reported to the Rutgers University Police at 732-932-7211.
Maintenance Request - Residence Hall
Department of Residence Life
The Facilities Unit coordinates custodial and maintenance of the residence halls. If you have a routine issue that needs repair or attention, please submit your request online. For emergencies, please call 848-445-1234.
Need Help? - Crisis Intervention and Advocacy
Office for Violence Prevention and Victim Assistance (VPVA)
The Office for Violence Prevention and Victim Assistance (VPVA) is committed to creating a community free from violence. We provide services designed to raise awareness of and respond to the impact of interpersonal violence and other crimes. Through a combination of crisis intervention, advocacy, and counseling, we provide direct service, education, training, and consulting to the University and broader community. We serve as a critical voice in changing prevailing beliefs and attitudes about violence.
To speak with someone immediately call: 848-932-1181 (24/7 call services)
Off-Campus Living Resources
Off-Campus Living & Community Initiatives
Rutgers Off-Campus Living and Community Initiatives is part of the Offices of the Dean of Students and serves as the central resource for students living off-campus. We prepare students for independent living by assisting them with their housing search, including educational workshops focused on lease agreements, tenants rights, legal issues, safety, security and respect. The department interacts with students, parents, property owners, residents, local businesses, and city officials to establish priorities and create student programming that is reflective of community interests and concerns.
Office of Student Affairs Compliance & Title IX
Student Affairs
The Office of Student Affairs Compliance & Title IX strives to provide a safe campus environment free from all forms of sex discrimination. We accomplish our mission through a collaborative approach that primarily focuses on addressing reported misconduct and providing education to the Rutgers community. We are committed to facilitating equitable response and resolution to all reported incidents of sexual harassment, sexual violence, relationship violence, stalking, and related misconduct among students. We are also proud to provide awareness of Title IX by offering trainings, education, and other outreach efforts to the Rutgers community. Any student who experiences sexual harassment, sexual violence, stalking, or relationship violence is encouraged to report incidents to the Title IX Office, and to seek support from the confidential resources available on our campus and in the local community.
Office of Student Conduct
Office of Student Conduct
The Office of Student Conduct administers the student disciplinary system at Rutgers - New Brunswick, investigating and adjudicating alleged incidents of student misconduct and academic dishonesty. The office enforces the University Code of Student Conduct, Residence Life conduct policies, the Student Organization Standards of Conduct, and the Academic Integrity Policy.
The Scarlet Honor Council is a team of students committed to upholding community standards and promoting a safe and civil campus environment. The Scarlet Honor Council provides an educational and leadership opportunity for Rutgers students who want to make an impact and encourage other students to have respect for their community and for one another. Contact studentconduct@echo.rutgers.edu for more information.
Personal Preparedness | Emergency Action Plans
Public Safety
The Rutgers Office of Emergency Management (OEM) provides information about communications and basic safety procedures to use in the event of an emergency that threatens public safety. We conduct emergency drills on a regular basis, working together with our counterparts on the municipal and county levels. These procedures are under continual review in order to maintain and enhance our ability to quickly and effectively respond to a public safety emergency. Increase your personal preparedness by viewing the Rutgers Emergency Action Plans.
Police Incident and Motor Vehicle Crash Reports
Public Safety
Police incident and motor vehicle crash reports generally take 5 to 7 business days (excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and Holidays) before they are available to the public. For your convenience we also offer Motor Vehicle Crash reports online.
RAVE Guardian | Text to RUPD
Public Safety
As part of the University's mission to improve safety on campus, the Rutgers University Police Department (RUPD) is launching Rave Guardian, a free mobile safety app designed to help faculty, staff, students and guests stay connected and access important campus safety resources. The app is available for use by all Rutgers University students, faculty, staff, and guests who are subscribed to the university’s Emergency Notification System (ENS).
The app is replacing the current Text-to-RUPD service so all messages sent to 69050 will no longer reach the Rutgers Police Department.
Report a Lost or Stolen ID Card
Public Safety
Lost ID cards will only be returned or replaced if you have an active university status role, i.e., active student record, active employee appointment, or current guest sponsorship.
Residential Care Team (Student Support)
Residence Life-Student Support
The Residential Care Team serves as a resource for all residential students living on any of the five campuses at Rutgers University–New Brunswick. We support students through a variety of creative initiatives, specialized services, outreach, and campus partnerships. Our unique placement within the department of Residence Life allows us to address concerns specific to living on campus, and to understand that residential experiences can have a profound impact on students’ academic and personal lives. Our goal is to assist students in navigating challenges that arise while they live on campus, and to support students through a successful residential experience.
Rutgers Immigration Community Assistance Program
RICAP strives to foster a safe environment on campus and to remove barriers to student success by providing immigration legal services. RICAP hosts community forums, informational Immigration presentations, and Know-Your-Rights training on all Rutgers campuses.
If you're seeking an appointment or have general questions, please contact RICAP:
- To Request an appointment with Immigration Attorney Jason Hernandez: Email: Mary Hewey mary.hewey@rutgers.edu
- Appointments: All consultations are confidential and at no cost.
- General Inquiries: RICAP-Info@law.rutgers.edu
- Phone: (856) 225-2302
Rutgers ID Card
One Stop Student Services Center
Whenever students are on campus, their Rutgers ID Card (RU ID) must be on their person and readily available. Generally, an RU ID provides access to services such as:
- Attendance verification
- Events
- Checkout privileges at Rutgers University libraries
- Computer labs and printing services
- Recreation centers
- Purchased meal plans and debit account options
- Assigned housing and other University building access
To learn more about obtaining a RU ID card, or to receive an ID card after uploading photo, please visit https://ipo.rutgers.edu/publicsafety/iam/student-id.
Please report lost RU ID Card to Identity and Access Management at iam@ipo.rutgers.edu.
Rutgers Police Crime Reporting System
Rutgers University Police Department
The Rutgers Internet Police Reporting System will allow you to submit a crime or incident report immediately for review. Our goal is to provide you with an easy to use tool for the reporting of incidents to the Rutgers University Police Department. The process is quick and easy - simply fill out the forms and review the information for accuracy. Please do not use this to report emergencies. Dial 9-1-1 for emergencies.
Rutgers Student Legal Services
The Office of Student Legal Services
All students - graduate, undergraduate, full-time, or part time - attending Rutgers - New Brunswick or RBHS are entitled to free legal advice, assistance, and referrals. This regards any legal issue, no matter when it happened, where it happened, or who was involved. All in-house consultations are free and with New Jersey licensed, practicing attorneys. All consultations are strictly confidential with full attorney-client privilege. Students can also be referred to attorneys for a reduced fee or free services from the Approved Referral Program administered jointly with the Middlesex County Bar Association. Other services include Notary, Educational Outreach, and Pre-Law Advice. Consultations by appointment only. No legal advice given over the phone. Not available to full-time employees.
Safety Escorts
Public Safety
Rutgers University Police Department (RUPD) provides escorts to students, faculty, and staff upon request. The escorts, primarily walking, provide our community with personalized service to their vehicles, campus residence, or the University's mass transit system. To view mass transit hours, please visit the Rutgers Department of Transportation.
Safety Training and Educational Programs
Public Safety
Whether general in nature or tailored to the specific needs of any requesting group, RUPD offers a number of formal and informal programs and training on a diverse range of topics.
School of Arts and Sciences (SAS) Educational Opportunity Fund (EOF) Program
School of Arts and Sciences
The School of Arts and Sciences (SAS) Educational Opportunity Fund (EOF) Program is the largest in New Jersey, serving EOF Scholars in SAS, RBS, MGSA, SMLR, and BSPPP. It is a New Jersey state-legislated program that provides access to higher education for students who demonstrate the potential to succeed in college, and possess a high level of academic motivation. Students qualify for admission on the basis of academic potential and financial need. EOF Scholars receive a grant that is part of their financial aid package and participate in a range of programs designed to support their success in college, including a pre-college Summer Institute and academic/personal counseling.
Sign Up for Emergency Text Notifications
Public Safety
Emergency Notification System (ENS) is used at Rutgers University to send emergency text messages to alert subscribed users on their cell phones during situations of emergency as deemed by Public Safety. Periodically, ENS alerts are also sent out for the purposes of system test.
Social Justice Education & LGBTQIA+ Resources
Center for Social Justice Education & LGBT Communities (SJE)
Vision: We envision a Rutgers University where people of all identities and experiences are understood, appreciated, and fully included in the community, and where equitable treatment and outcomes prevail.
Mission: SJE promotes a supportive environment for students of all backgrounds, with a focus on gender and sexuality, while promoting both social and educational opportunities for leadership, identity, and social justice advocacy development. With a critical understanding of multiple identities and connected systems of oppression, SJE works collaboratively with students, faculty, staff, and community members to develop relevant initiatives and policies that center on diversity, inclusion, and intersections of identity.
Student Basic Needs
Off-Campus Living & Community Partnerships
Basic needs include, but are not limited to, food, housing, clothing, childcare, mental health, financial resources, and transportation. At some point in a college student’s educational journey, they may face challenges in accessing adequate amounts of food, housing, financial or other resources. This is called basic needs insecurity; millions of college students experience it yearly. To ensure that basic needs are met for all Rutgers students, on-campus resources and those available in the surrounding community are listed throughout the basicneeds.rutgers.edu website including:
- Food Assistance
- Housing Assistance
- Emergency Aid
- Mental, Physical, & Spiritual Wellness
- Utility Assistance
- Internet & Technology
- Child Care Resources
- Faculty & Staff Resources
Food and housing insecurity, as well as homelessness, often carry a significant stigma. If someone confides in you about facing these challenges, it's important to respond with compassion and understanding. You can refer them to the Offices of the Dean of Students or the Basic Needs Center at the College Ave. Student Center. Students seeking assistance can also complete online forms for emergency grants, textbook/technology assistance, or housing insecurity. Additionally, you can suggest other available resources. Remember, your support and kindness can make a profound difference in someone's life. We encourage you to also reach out to the Offices of the Dean of Students to share these concerns.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RUFoodPantry/
Instagram: @rubasicneeds
Support Resources for Temporary Conditions
Offices of the Dean of Students - Advocacy, Outreach & Support
A temporary condition can be an injury or illness (i.e., a concussion, broken bone, or short-term effects post-surgery) that lasts less than 8 weeks. These temporary conditions may cause unforeseen barriers that can impact your academics and overall Rutgers experience. The Offices of the Dean of Students- Advocacy, Outreach, & Support can help facilitating access to classes and services in your time of need. It is essential that you take an active role in identifying needs, engaging with offices, and providing the necessary documentation to help ensure academic success. For more information please visit, https://studentsupport.rutgers.edu/services/temporary-conditions.
Uwill - Student Mental Health & Wellness Solution
Rutgers Student Health
We are pleased to announce a partnership with Uwill, the leading student mental health and wellness solution. Uwill offers students free immediate access to teletherapy through its secure, easy-to-use online platform.
To schedule teletherapy, students can choose a therapist based on their preferences including issue, gender, language, & ethnicity. Students can create a profile and book their first session in just minutes by clicking here.
Vehicle Lockouts and Jumpstarts
Public Safety
University Public Safety responds to several types of non-emergency calls. The most common requests for service are motor vehicle lockouts and jumpstarts.
Violence Prevention and Victim Assistance
Student Affairs
The Office of Violence Prevention and Victim Assistance offers counseling and advocacy services, educational programming, and training, consultation and policy development services to all members of the University community. Our programs and services are designed to promote ways of coping with the effects of interpersonal violence and to prevent such violence from occurring.