THRIVE Student Support Services (SSS) is a federally funded TRIO program designed to empower undergraduate students to persist through college, maintain good academic standing, and graduate on time. THRIVE SSS supports low-income, first-generation and/or students with disabilities students successfully begin and stay in college. THRIVE SSS provides opportunities for academic development, assist students with basic college requirements, and to motivate students toward the successful completion of their postsecondary education. The goal of THRIVE SSS is to increase the college retention and graduation rates of its participants. THRIVE SSS Scholars receive academic tutoring; advice and assistance in postsecondary course selection; information on both the full range of student financial aid programs, benefits and resources for locating public and private scholarships; and assistance in completing financial aid applications. Education or counseling services designed to improve the financial and economic literacy and assist in applying for admission to graduate and professional programs. individualized counseling for personal, career, and academic information, activities, and instruction designed to acquaint career options; exposure to cultural events and academic programs; mentoring programs and Student Success Award. These services are exclusive for students who meet the eligibility requirement to be part of THRIVE SSS in New Brunswick. 

THRIVE Student Support Services
Resource Categories
Academic Support Services - Academic Skills Coaching & Mentoring - Academic Coaching
Academic Support Services - Academic Skills Coaching & Mentoring - Peer Mentoring
Academic Support Services - Spaces & Tools - Group & Individual Work Spaces
Academic Support Services - Tutoring Services & Study Groups - Online Tutoring, Study Groups, & Chats
Academic Support Services - Tutoring Services & Study Groups - Writing Support
Academic Support Services - Tutoring Services & Study Groups – In-person Tutoring & Study Groups
Experiential Learning & Career Preparation - Career Resources - Career Advising
Experiential Learning & Career Preparation - Career Resources - Career Events
Experiential Learning & Career Preparation - Leadership & Service - Leadership
Experiential Learning & Career Preparation - Leadership & Service - Service Learning
Involvement & Community - Campus Life - On-campus Services
Involvement & Community - Campus Life - Programs & Activities
Involvement & Community - Communities - Affinity Groups
Involvement & Community - Communities - Living & Learning Communities
Involvement & Community - First-year Experience - Academic Opportunities
Involvement & Community - First-year Experience - First-year Events
Involvement & Community - First-year Experience - Orientation & Transition
Success Essentials - Academic Advising & Policies - Population-specific Academic Advising
Success Essentials - Financial Assistance - Money Management & Bill Payment
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