The School of Arts and Sciences (SAS) Educational Opportunity Fund (EOF) Program is the largest in New Jersey, serving EOF Scholars in SAS, RBS, MGSA, SMLR, and BSPPP. It is a New Jersey state-legislated program that provides access to higher education for students who demonstrate the potential to succeed in college, and possess a high level of academic motivation. Students qualify for admission on the basis of academic potential and financial need. EOF Scholars receive a grant that is part of their financial aid package and participate in a range of programs designed to support their success in college, including a pre-college Summer Institute and academic/personal counseling.
School of Arts and Sciences
Resource Category
Resource Categories
Academic Support Services - Academic Skills Coaching & Mentoring - Academic Coaching
Academic Support Services - Academic Skills Coaching & Mentoring - Peer Mentoring
Success Essentials - Academic Advising & Policies - Academic Policies & Leaves of Absence
Success Essentials - Academic Advising & Policies - Population-specific Academic Advising
Success Essentials - Academic Advising & Policies - School-based Academic Advising
Success Essentials - Financial Assistance - Money Management & Bill Payment
Success Essentials - Financial Assistance - Need-based & Emergency Aid
Success Essentials - Safety & Urgent Needs - Emergency Assistance
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Which academic populations can access this resource?