Student Success Weeks (September 13 - 27):

Join us in a series of workshops, lab tours, and open houses.
Learn about academic, financial, career, and technology resources and strategies for success. 
Explore opportunities for on-campus research, internships, and employment with Federal Work Study.

All students - graduate, undergraduate, full-time, or part time - attending Rutgers - New Brunswick or RBHS are entitled to free legal advice, assistance, and referrals. This regards any legal issue, no matter when it happened, where it happened, or who was involved. All in-house consultations are free and with New Jersey licensed, practicing attorneys. All consultations are strictly confidential with full attorney-client privilege. Students can also be referred to attorneys for a reduced fee or free services from the Approved Referral Program administered jointly with the Middlesex County Bar Association. Other services include Notary, Educational Outreach, and Pre-Law Advice. Consultations by appointment only. No legal advice given over the phone. Not available to full-time employees.

The Office of Student Legal Services
Resource Categories
Involvement & Community - Campus Life - Off-campus & Commuter Services
Involvement & Community - Campus Life - On-campus Services
Success Essentials - Safety & Urgent Needs - Personal & Interpersonal Safety
Success Essentials - Safety & Urgent Needs - Report a Concern
Success Essentials - Safety & Urgent Needs - Student Advocacy
How can students access this resource?
Which class level of students can access this resource?