Student Success Weeks (September 13 - 27):

Join us in a series of workshops, lab tours, and open houses.
Learn about academic, financial, career, and technology resources and strategies for success. 
Explore opportunities for on-campus research, internships, and employment with Federal Work Study.

We are fortunate to have Shan Reeves, from Rutgers CAPS (Counseling, ADAP, and Psychiatric Services), working directly with the Honors College to help you address challenges and emotions that you may be feeling throughout the year. Counseling sessions are private, free, and confidential.

The Honors College also maintains wellness-based programs and initatives developed based on findings from a student-driven mental health task force that indicated a desire for more peer-support initiatives. We aim to foster a culture of wellness in the Honors College and to dismantle the stigmas surrounding mental health.

Honors College
Resource Category
Resource Categories
Success Essentials - Health & Wellness - Mental, Emotional, & Spiritual Health
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