Student Success Weeks (September 13 - 27):

Join us in a series of workshops, lab tours, and open houses.
Learn about academic, financial, career, and technology resources and strategies for success. 
Explore opportunities for on-campus research, internships, and employment with Federal Work Study.

Douglass Residential College provides DRC students with professional staff mentors. Mentors adopt a holistic approach, connecting students to relevant academic opportunities, resources for career development, and leadership possibilities. Students may wish to continue working with their assigned mentors throughout their years at Douglass, or find other mentors in areas closer to their majors. 

Douglass Residential College
Resource Categories
Academic Support Services - Academic Skills Coaching & Mentoring - Academic Coaching
Academic Support Services - Academic Skills Coaching & Mentoring - Peer Mentoring
Success Essentials - Health & Wellness - Mental, Emotional, & Spiritual Health
How can students access this resource?
Which class level of students can access this resource?