Student Success Weeks (September 13 - 27):

Join us in a series of workshops, lab tours, and open houses.
Learn about academic, financial, career, and technology resources and strategies for success. 
Explore opportunities for on-campus research, internships, and employment with Federal Work Study.

A dedicated space for all Rutgers students interested in creating, building, tinkering, and designing. Used by faculty for teaching and brainstorming projects and prototypes, the Maker Space is open daily to all students and run by trained undergraduate staff. In addition to CAD computer work stations, the Maker Space features 3D printers, a spindle engraver, laser cutter, vinyl cutter, sewing machine station, and a full range of hand tools as well as electronics and microcontroller equipment.

Honors College
Resource Categories
Academic Support Services - Spaces & Tools - Group & Individual Work Spaces
Academic Support Services - Spaces & Tools - Tools & Resources
Involvement & Community - Private & Community Spaces - Creative Spaces
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Which class level of students can access this resource?