Whether you live on campus, commute from home, or live off campus, Rutgers is now your campus and your community. Staff are here to help you navigate a new living or dining experience as well match your interests to opportunities on campus.  There is so much to discover and the buses will not only get you to classes but also to student organization meetings, concerts, comedy shows, sport club competitions, fitness classes, and services that support your health and well-being! 

Make the most of all that Rutgers has to offer.  If you are not ready to join an organization or are unsure if you have time with academic and work responsibilities, you can still attend an organizational meeting, an intramural game, or one of the many campus traditional events that will have you join other members of the community in the spirit and pride of being a Scarlet Knight! 

Ready to get started? Look through the resources listed, or use the search bar to type in what you need. 


Asian American Cultural Center
Asian American Cultural Center

The Asian American Cultural Center (AACC) is committed to fostering a safe, inclusive, and supportive environment for all students at Rutgers University by providing cultural, social, and educational programs and initiatives focusing on issues relevant to the Asian Pacific Islander Desi American (APIDA) community. We envision a vibrant community of students committed to learning, preserving, and embracing the unique histories, traditions, cultural identities, and experiences of the APIDA diaspora at Rutgers and the community at large. The center provides a supportive environment for all students, encouraging academic and professional excellence through internship opportunities, peer-to-peer mentorship, leadership and professional development, and exploration of identity.

Campus Connect: Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper Training
Rutgers Student Health

Suicide touches us all regardless of ability, age, gender identity race, socio-economic status, sexual orientation, and more. This 2hr experiential training, aims to increase knowledge about statistics, risk & protective factors, warning signs, and campus resources concerning college student suicide. It will enable participants to demonstrate kindness and empathy towards others, helping them to respond caringly and effectively to those experiencing a wide range of emotional crises. Visit go.rutgers.edu/Campus-Connect for more information, campus-wide training dates, or to schedule a closed session with your group or student organization.

Campus Mail Services
Mail Services

We provide inbound Mail and Package management for all on-campus resident students through our Automated package locker system. Our five Campus Post Office locations do accept Pre-Paid, Pre-packaged outgoing mail and packages for United Parcel Service (UPS) and the United States Post Office (USPS). We do not sell postage or provide shipping supplies.

Students in Family Housing or off campus residences are serviced directly by the carriers delivering your item. Rutgers Mail Services does not receive/manage items for these addresses.

If you have questions about an item or service, please reach out to us at Mailquestions@ipo.rutgers.edu

In your message to us please provide your full name, your 9 digit RUID number and the tracking number for package(s) you are inquiring about.

Central and Campus Service Offices
Department of Residence Life

Residence Life Main Office
Phone: (848) 932-4371
90 Davidson Road (Davidson Hall D)
Piscataway, NJ 08854

Busch Campus
Phone: (848) 445-2561
55 Bevier Road (Buell Apartments)
Piscataway, NJ 08854

College Avenue Campus
Phone: (848) 932-7209
590 George Street (Clothier Hall)
New Brunswick, NJ 08901

Cook/Douglass Campus
Phone: (848) 932-9363
45 Biel Road West (PAL Building)
New Brunswick, NJ 08901

Livingston Campus
Phone: (848) 445-4086
70 Joyce Kilmer Avenue (Lynton South Tower)
Piscataway, NJ 08854

Code of Student Conduct
Office of Student Conduct

The University Code of Student Conduct entails the rules and regulations all students must follow when they become members of the Rutgers University community.  The Code outlines the rights and responsibilities of community membership in order to help safeguard the health and welfare of all members of the University community, protect University property, and promote academic integrity. All students are expected to read and abide by the Code of Conduct.  Students found in violation of the Code should expect to face disciplinary procedures which can include sanctions of probation, suspension and expulsion from the University.  

Collaborative Center
Collaborative Center for Community Engagement

The Collaborative Center for Community Engagement is dedicated to supporting campus-community partnerships to advance the public good in our New Brunswick and Piscataway communities, throughout the state of New Jersey, and beyond. The Collaborative oversees programs like Advancing Community Development (a competitive semester-long program for up to 16 students who do research in the area of health in the New Brunswick community and receive mentors from Johnson & Johnson which is funded by a gift from J&J), the Bonner Leaders program (a highly selective program for 50 Federal Work-Study students who do their hours at partners on and off-campus working on special projects), a Community Walking Tour that examines food, architecture, oversight of the RCommunity platform, and the cultural communities of New Brunswick, and the giving of the Presidential Volunteer Service Award for New Brunswick students who meet the criteria.

Collaborative or Quiet Study Lounges
Student Centers and Activities

Across New Brunswick’s five campuses, our six Student Centers each offer a place for you to meet with friends, or to study quietly individually. No matter what kind of environment you are looking for, you’ll find the perfect space for you. Learn more about our Student Centers.

Community Service - Alternative Break Service Trips
Student Centers and Activities

Rutgers University Alternative Break (RUAB) trips offer all Rutgers students the opportunity to serve communities around the United States and abroad to combat a variety of prevailing social issues, such as homelessness, systemic oppression, environmental sustainability, disability rights, immigration reform, LGBTQIA+ equality, animal welfare, and more. These service learning trips take place over the course of a week during the University’s academic break periods, and allow students to learn more about the communities we serve and explore the culture of their local areas. Each trip is designed and coordinated by Alternative Break Site Leaders, undergraduate students who are trained and prepared to provide a holistic and meaningful experience for their participants.

Community Service - Scarlet Day of Service
Student Centers and Activities

Scarlet Day of Service is one of the largest service events of the year at Rutgers. Traditionally, students and alumni have come together to volunteer at different community organizations throughout the state. Over the years, this event has provided over 1,000 students and alumni the opportunity to serve New Jersey by cleaning up communities, revitalizing outdoor spaces, working with youth and senior citizens, and more. The Spring 2023 Scarlet Day of Service will take place on Saturday, March 25. Visit RUPA's website to learn more and to sign up.



Commuter Lockers
Student Centers and Activities

Commuter lockers can be found at the Douglass Student Center, College Ave Student Center, and Livingston Student Center. Students are able to store items for a few hours or for the entire day based on their schedules and needs. Lockers are free of charge and come in various sizes for ease and convenience. 

Commuter Resources
Student Centers and Activities

Rutgers offers events and amenities for commuter students. Each Student Center has lounges and microwaves. In the Busch and Douglass Centers, there are designated commuter lounges to relax in and meet other students, while enjoying amenities including a refrigerator (Busch) and kitchen (Douglass). Commuter lockers can be found at the College Ave Student Center, Douglass Student Center, and Livingston Student Center. Students are able to store items for a few hours or for the entire day based on their schedules and needs. Lockers are free of charge and come in various sizes for ease and convenience. 

Commuter students are invited to attend welcome events and other opportunities throughout the year to connect with other students. In addition, the Rutgers Commuter Student Association (RCSA) is an inclusive student organization whose primary role is to serve commuter students’ needs and interests while building a community on campus. RCSA promotes engagement through programming and advocacy. Email: information.rcsa@gmail.com

CPR & First Aid Classes
Public Safety

The RUES Training Bureau provides CPR and First Aid training for the general public and health care professionals. As an American Heart Association (AHA) Training Center*, courses adhere to the strictest standards and provide participants with the instruction and skill practice required by the latest AHA guidelines. The courses listed on the website above are open to everyone with an interest in them and can be offered at alternate locations upon request. If you would like to schedule a group course, please email training@ipo.rutgers.edu or call 848-932-4875.

Dean of Students - Advocacy, Outreach & Support
Student Affairs

The office of the Dean of Students – Advocacy, Outreach & Support assists students experiencing unexpected challenges which impact academic performance, time to degree completion, finances, and their overall student experience.  The office serves as a support network by providing advocacy, problem solving strategies, resource referral, and critical incident intervention when additional assistance is needed.

Students may meet with a staff member during Virtual Drop-In Hours (Monday – Thursday, 1:30pm– 4:30pm) or a scheduled appointments (Monday – Friday, 9:00am – 4:00pm).  See Requesting Assistance to learn more about the best way to connect with the office, complete forms for Virtual Drop-In Hours, Scheduled Appointments, or Absence and Verification Notices.

Defensive Driving Classes
Public Safety

Rutgers Emergency Services offers the National Safety Council's Defensive Driving Course enabling students, faculty, and staff members to meet the University requirement to operate a University owned, leased or rented vehicle. Members of the University community without driving responsibilities may also enroll in the course for the personal benefits of both the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Insurance Premium Reduction Program and NJ Driver's License Point Reduction Program as eligible.

Dining Halls and Retail Hours of Operation
Rutgers Dining Services

Rutgers Dining Services operates four dining halls and over a dozen retail operations on the New Brunswick/Piscataway campus. Visit our Places to Eat page to access hours of operations, menus, and more! 

Disability Services
Office of Disability Services (ODS)

The Office of Disability Services (ODS) provides academic accommodations and ensures access for students with disabilities. 

Our team provides the necessary tools, resources and support for individuals with disabilities to become responsible decision-makers and self-advocates in charge of their own future.

The Office of Disability Services at Rutgers works collaboratively with students, faculty and staff in order to provide guidance, support, resources, and academic accommodations to ensure equal opportunity and access.

Ultimately, our goal is to spread knowledge and awareness throughout the university and beyond to establish an inclusive community that values diversity, acceptance, and academic achievement.

Douglass Residential College
Douglass Residential College

A Women’s College Without Walls

Here at Douglass Residential College, our members include 2,600 women drawn from the Rutgers University–New Brunswick undergraduate population. Students pursue many majors and career paths, and come from many different backgrounds. What we have in common is an interest in gaining the skills and insights to do more with our education, our careers, and our lives.

Working with the staff of Douglass Residential College, we develop opportunities, discover strengths, create connections and draw courage from each other. At the same time, we forge ahead in our Rutgers education and make the most of our time in New Brunswick. Enroll at Douglass: https://douglass.rutgers.edu/enrollment/how-enroll-douglass

Eagleton Graduate Fellowship in Politics and Government
Eagleton Institute of Politics

The Eagleton Fellowship offers select Rutgers graduate students the opportunity to further their understanding of government, public affairs, and the practice of politics. All Rutgers graduate students are eligible to apply for this one-year, interdisciplinary certificate program.

Applications for the 2026-2027 program will open March of 2026. 


Faith & Spirituality Resources
Off-Campus Living & Community Initiatives

Students of all religions are welcome at Rutgers. As a public university, Rutgers is dedicated to supporting an inclusive community, where freedom of religious expression is protected and encouraged. Our campus is home to students of Christian, Muslim, Jewish, Buddhist, and Humanist faiths, as well as many other traditions and backgrounds.

Rutgers supports an open forum for religion & spirituality through:

• more than 40 student organizations dedicated to faith-based/religious-cultural interests

• more than 25 chaplaincies serving students’ spiritual needs

• a Multifaith Council that promotes an inclusive atmosphere for the pursuit of intellectual and spiritual truths

Fitness & Wellness Programs
Rutgers Recreation

Rutgers Recreation, located on the Rutgers University—New Brunswick campus, provides fitness and wellness programs to students. We offer:

  • Access* to 4 full-service facilities and one stand-alone fitness center
  • Over 100 cutting-edge classes per week that are free for students
  • Exercise Is Medicine On-Campus Coaching
  • Affordable personal training and small group training classes
  • Opportunities to become a certified instructor or trainer
  • Special programs, fitness challenges, and events
  • Massage Therapy and Wellness Services

* Facility access and classes are offered during typical operating hours in the spring, summer, and fall semesters. To view your membership type, please visit the membership section of our website.

Fraternity and Sorority Affairs
Fraternity and Sorority Affairs

In the Rutgers fraternity/sorority community, you'll find 75+ fraternities and sororities, all focused on the four pillars of fraternity/sorority life; leadership, scholarship, service and friendship for life. As a member, you will create lifelong friendships, strengthen academic skills in small groups, and grow through leadership and service in a community with shared values. You'll make valuable connections to the larger fraternity and sorority community and the University, and lastly, have fun! 

getINVOLVED Platform
Student Centers and Activities

Discover great opportunities to become involved at Rutgers! This online engagement platform is a great way to learn more about the 700+ student organizations and opportunities for engagement at Rutgers-New Brunswick. It’s also the place to find out more about the events and programs hosted by student organizations and various departments on campus. Please log on to your getINVOLVED profile to become more involved and connected today! Once you have logged in with your Net ID and password, click on your name in the top right-hand corner. Customize your profile and access your Rutgers Event Pass, a necessity for checking into campus events. Any questions about getting involved? Feel free to contact the Office Student Involvement and Leadership, Student Centers and Activities at osi@echo.rutgers.edu or 848-932-6978!

Global Programming & Events
Rutgers Global

Rutgers Global Programming & Events provides cultural, social, and educational events and opportunities to the community to: (1) promote global awareness and cultural competence; (2) facilitate the integration and acculturation of international students; and (3) foster meaningful interactions between international and domestic students.  

Friendship Fridays are weekly social gatherings for students to meet with other students from around the world.  Activities include games, food events, arts & crafts, and conversations advancing cultural exchange.


Health Outreach, Promotion & Education (HOPE)
Rutgers Student Health

Health Outreach, Promotion, and Education (HOPE) works to advance health and wellness at Rutgers University through community engagement and innovation. HOPE provides students with tools to advocate for personal and community wellness and coordinates a large and active peer education program. Students are trained to facilitate interactive outreach and workshops on issues that directly impact students’ lives.

HOPE offers public health internships through the Edward J. Bloustein School. 

Healthy Dining Team
Rutgers Dining

WHO WE ARE: Our goal is to educate the college population about nutrition and provide the necessary tools to adopt healthy eating habits. The team consists of nutritional sciences undergrads under the guidance of Dr. Peggy Policastro, RDN.

READ ONE: The team writes weekly Eating 101 Nutrition Newsletters that can be found within the dining halls and in electronic form on our website and social media platforms.

STOP BY: Throughout the academic year, The Healthy Dining Team hosts creative and interactive nutrition booths at the dining halls. 

Do you have a nutrition question? Visit our nutrition booths or connect with us on social media. We can be found on Facebook (RU Healthy Dining Team, Instagram (@ru_hdt), or email us at nutrition@dining.rutgers.edu.

Honors College Student Support
Honors College

Honors College students have access to a deep network of support at the Honors College to help you be as successful as possible. Staff and faculty are available to connect directly for student appointments. For details on how to contact Honors College staff and meet during office hours, please visit the Student Resources webpage.

ID Card Photo Submissions
Public Safety

You can use our online portal to easily submit the photo you would like included on your ID Card. Our office will then review the photo and notify you via email if it is approved or denied. You can submit your photo with a smartphone, tablet, or computer. After you have activated your NetIDyou will be able to submit your photo. Please review the criteria outlined below before taking your picture.

International Student and Scholar Services
Rutgers Global

Rutgers Global–International Student and Scholar Services (ISSS) is committed to providing superior services and enriching experiences for our international community on the New Brunswick and RBHS campuses. Our student advising staff is here to support the journeys of Rutgers international students from arrival to graduation and beyond. Our core services include providing advice and counsel on U.S. immigration regulations and compliance, immigration application processing, cross cultural programming such as the international student orientation program, advocacy, and outreach.  Examples include: 

International Student Orientation (ISO)
Rutgers Global

Rutgers Global–International Student and Scholar Services conducts a comprehensive orientation for all new international first-year and transfer students every fall and spring semester. This mandatory orientation welcomes, prepares, and engages new students and their families in their transition to Rutgers University - New Brunswick. At orientation, students become familiar with their new surroundings and are told about available opportunities and resources on and off campus. New students also meet other new and returning students, learning from their experiences and making new friends. The primary goal of ISO is to ensure that every student walks away from their orientation program with the resources, tools, and answers to make sure their first semester is a successful one. 

The Rutgers Parents and Family office also provides parent and family orientation programs and provides resources for families. For more information visit their website at http://parents.rutgers.edu/orientation/.  

Intramural and Club Sports
Rutgers Recreation

Rutgers Recreation, located on the Rutgers University - New Brunswick campus, provides opportunities for students to engage in competitive sports.


Students may compete in a favorite sport or try a new one. Sports include soccer, cricket, basketball, flag football, softball, street hockey, volleyball, ultimate frisbee and more.

Create your own teams or join as a free agent. Play for fun and compete for campus championships and university pride.


Travel and compete with a sport club team. Clubs are student-organized and student-run. There are over 50 to choose from. We have  rugby, football, golf, baseball, basketball, ice hockey and more. We also offer martial arts, dance, and recreational sports clubs. 

Involvement Fair
Student Centers and Activities

Get excited to participate in one of Rutgers’ most anticipated student events - the annual Involvement Fair. We’ll shut down College Avenue and you’ll get the chance to learn about over 500 student organizations, sports clubs, fraternities and sororities, university departments, and more. Create your Rutgers community, join a new club, make friends, and celebrate your return to Rutgers!

Latinx Student Cultural Engagement & Resources
Center for Latino Arts and Culture

The Center for Latino Arts and Culture (CLAC) is a student-centered, inclusive community where students can better integrate experiential, academic and service learning about Latinx/a/o arts and culture in order to become strong leaders and responsible global citizens.

The Center works to create a welcoming, supportive environment that values intersectionality and social justice. We advocate for the wellbeing of our students and work to create effective access to University services and resources.

Through dynamic collaboration with other academic and student affairs units, the CLAC will work to enhance Latino student recruitment, retention, and successful graduation at Rutgers University.


Lead Up Academy
Student Centers and Activities

Student Centers and Activities provides experiential learning opportunities to create transformative experiences for Rutgers University students. Our Lead Up Academy enhances leadership skills to help Rutgers students stand out to future employers. Students can get involved in this progressive, tiered curriculum at any point or complete any or all of the programs listed below.  

- First-Year Fellowship (First-year and transfer students): The First-Year Fellowship is a year-long certificate program of events, workshops, and opportunities designed to transform first-year and transfer students into the next generation of campus leaders. It features a curriculum designed for emerging leaders to cultivate their skills and abilities to become the next generation of leaders on campus and beyond!  

- LVL Up (Sophomores and juniors): The LVL Up program is designed specifically with second-year students in mind! We recognize that students will be facing a lot of changes as they transition into their second-year; through this program, we want students to develop the skills necessary to succeed while also training for position-specific responsibilities.

- Peer Leadership Mentors: Peer Leadership Mentors are part of a highly immersive leadership program. It provides guidance to five first-year students and facilitate a section of the First-Year Fellowship, while completing a 1.5 credit course that will help make meaning of the skills needed to excel in future roles. 

Library Study Spaces - Access to Wireless
University Libraries

Need a place on campus to study or access to wireless?  Check out the schedule for the hours of the libraries.  While you are there, learn about the tools and resources, how to access materials and get assistance with research. 

Living-Learning and Thematic Learning Communities
Department of Residence Life

A learning community is a self-selected group of students who share similar interests and explore them together in common courses and out-of-classroom activities. These interests may be academic, career-related, cultural, or something else entirely. All have an academic course requirement. Students in learning communities report making friends quickly. Connecting with faculty, staff, and other students more easily, learning community residents are afforded unique opportunities for academic and social success and networking. First- and second-year students who choose to live in on-campus residence halls may also opt to live in one of these living-learning communities.

Maintenance Request - Residence Hall
Department of Residence Life

The Facilities Unit coordinates custodial and maintenance of the residence halls. If you have a routine issue that needs repair or attention, please submit your request online. For emergencies, please call 848-445-1234.

Meal Plans
Rutgers Dining Services

Have a question about meal plans on campus? Get them answered here. Meal plans range from 50 to 285 meals per semester and are available to any student, faculty, or staff that would like to take advantage of what Rutgers Dining has to offer.  

Need Help? - Crisis Intervention and Advocacy
Office for Violence Prevention and Victim Assistance (VPVA)

The Office for Violence Prevention and Victim Assistance (VPVA) is committed to creating a community free from violence. We provide services designed to raise awareness of and respond to the impact of interpersonal violence and other crimes. Through a combination of crisis intervention, advocacy, and counseling, we provide direct service, education, training, and consulting to the University and broader community. We serve as a critical voice in changing prevailing beliefs and attitudes about violence.

To speak with someone immediately call: 848-932-1181 (24/7 call services)

New Brunswick Campus Buses and Shuttle Service
Institutional Planning and Operations

The Rutgers University-New Brunswick Campus Bus/Shuttle Service uses lift-equipped accessible buses on various routes to provide reliable and safe transportation within or between the College Avenue (including  Downtown New Brunswick), Busch, Livingston, and Cook  /Douglass campuses.  Accessible bus service is available to all members of the Rutgers University community.

Check out the website for bus route details, information about online resources including bus locator services, the Knight Mover shuttle services and more.

Watch these videos for helpful tips and information.

University-wide General Information Bus Video: https://ipo.rutgers.edu/dots/transit-buses

RU-NB Bus Tips Video: https://ipo.rutgers.edu/dots/buses-nb




NEW Leadership®
Center for American Women and Politics

NEW Leadership® is CAWP’s national initiative to educate and empower the next generation of women leaders. NEW Leadership® teaches college women the value of civic engagement and encourages them to see themselves as empowered leaders who can effectively participate in politics and public policy.

The six-day residential program educates college women about the important role that politics plays in their lives, introduces them to successful women leaders, and encourages them to become more involved in the political process.

Nursing Rooms
Student Centers and Activities

Livingston Student Center and Douglass Student Center have dedicated nursing rooms for the Rutgers Community. The Nursing Room at the Livingston Student Center is located in the Livingston Space, and you can gain access to the Nursing Room at Douglass by visiting the Welcome Desk.

Nursing Student Resources
School of Nursing

Rutgers School of Nursing provides an array of support services for our students. Please visit our student resources page: https://nursing.rutgers.edu/student-resources/ to identify the services and resources that apply to you based on your academic program and campus. If you have any additional questions, please feel free to contact student.engagement@sn.rutgers.edu.

Nutrition Services
Rutgers Dining

Dining Services employs Nutrition Specialists/Registered Dietitians to assist students with specialized dietary needs. Students requiring a specialized diet for medical needs such as celiac disease or food allergies can schedule a meeting with a nutritionist to discuss an individualized nutrition care plan.

Dining Services will work with students who have dietary restrictions to ensure a medically appropriate and nutritionally sound diet. Complete the Medical and Dietary Consideration Form and submit by emailing the form to nutrition@dining.rutgers.edu to initiate a professional review of your nutritional and dietary concerns.

For general nutrition questions regarding food in the campus dining halls, contact one of our Nutrition Specialists.

Off-Campus Living Resources
Off-Campus Living & Community Initiatives

Rutgers Off-Campus Living and Community Initiatives is part of the Offices of the Dean of Students and serves as the central resource for students living off-campus. We prepare students for independent living by assisting them with their housing search, including educational workshops focused on lease agreements, tenants rights, legal issues, safety, security and respect. The department interacts with students, parents, property owners, residents, local businesses, and city officials to establish priorities and create student programming that is reflective of community interests and concerns. 

Office for Advising and Student Success
Mason Gross School of the Arts

The Mason Gross Office for Advising and Student Success is made up of a team of experienced academic advisors/student success counselors who specialize in helping students achieve their goals, understand their options, connect to resources, and identify their personal path to a successful academic and professional career.

A student’s relationship with their advisor is key to their academic success and offers an opportunity to exchange ideas, discuss options and discover answers. Advisors engage students in conversations about their education and life goals and want to learn about how individual students thrive and ultimately succeed in their degree and career.  Through these conversations advisors strive to empower students to make their independent decisions and claim ownership of their accomplishments.


  • Academic Advising, Policies and Degree Confirmation
  • Career Counseling and Preparation
  • Student Organizations, Involvement and Events
  • Parent and Family Information
  • General Health and Wellness Guidance

Office of Student Affairs Compliance & Title IX
Student Affairs

The Office of Student Affairs Compliance & Title IX strives to provide a safe campus environment free from all forms of sex discrimination. We accomplish our mission through a collaborative approach that primarily focuses on addressing reported misconduct and providing education to the Rutgers community. We are committed to facilitating equitable response and resolution to all reported incidents of sexual harassment, sexual violence, relationship violence, stalking, and related misconduct among students.  We are also proud to provide awareness of Title IX by offering trainings, education, and other outreach efforts to the Rutgers community. Any student who experiences sexual harassment, sexual violence, stalking, or relationship violence is encouraged to report incidents to the Title IX Office, and to seek support from the confidential resources available on our campus and in the local community.

Office of Student Conduct
Office of Student Conduct

The Office of Student Conduct administers the student disciplinary system at Rutgers - New Brunswick, investigating and adjudicating alleged incidents of student misconduct and academic dishonesty. The office enforces the University Code of Student Conduct, Residence Life conduct policies, the Student Organization Standards of Conduct, and the Academic Integrity Policy.

The Scarlet Honor Council is a team of students committed to upholding community standards and promoting a safe and civil campus environment. The Scarlet Honor Council provides an educational and leadership opportunity for Rutgers students who want to make an impact and encourage other students to have respect for their community and for one another. Contact studentconduct@echo.rutgers.edu for more information.

On-Campus Work Experience Network (OWN) Program
Office of Career Exploration and Success

The On-Campus Work Experience Network (OWN) is a unique and customized program that will supplement your Federal Work-Study job placement through interactive leadership workshops to explore connections to potential careers and strengthen professional skills and your ability to leverage them, along with a cohort of your peers. In addition to leadership workshops OWN participants are paired with a supervisor who has agreed to serve as a mentor dedicated to your success.

Parking Tickets
Institutional Planning and Operations

Parking regulations on Rutgers University campuses are enforced 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Learn how to avoid receiving a ticket and how to pay a parking fine if assessed. 

Paul Robeson Cultural Center
Paul Robeson Cultural Center

At the Paul Robeson Cultural Center, we are committed to reflecting on the experiences of historically underrepresented students, with an emphasis of the African diaspora, to help one another process, navigate, heal and advance within society and the university community. The PRCC fosters a community where all students, especially students of the African-American diaspora, participate in guided educational discourse, leadership development, and out-of-the-classroom engagement that cultivates meaningful experiences, fosters positive relationships, and facilitates inclusive spaces where individuals are able to be their authentic self. The center provides a welcoming atmosphere for studying in our computer lab, space for a quiet lunch, or hanging out with friends in our lounge area.

Peer Education Programs
Rutgers Student Health

Peer education builds on the idea that students learn best from their peers, especially about difficult or uncomfortable topics. Peer Educators are trained by the HOPE professional staff to engage their peers in relevant and relatable discussions on issues of health and wellness. Peer educators are trained in specific topic areas such as mental health, sexual health, alcohol & other drugs, and nutrition. Each program has its own requirements, application, and training process. Visit each website to learn more about the unit.

If you have questions regarding any of the Peer Education programs, please contact HOPE at 848-932-1965.

Student Centers and Activities

Each of the six Student Centers (Busch, College Avenue, Cook, Douglass, Livingston and the SAC)  has a piano for student use. Please visit the Information Desk for the location and additional details.

Recreation Facilities
Rutgers Recreation

Rutgers Recreation Proudly Supports The Health & Well-Being of Its Students-

Do What Moves U

Our Mission

To enhance the mind, body, and spirit of students and other eligible individuals by providing programs, services, and facilities to meet the physical, social, recreational, and educational needs of the campus community.

Rutgers Recreation Offers*
  • 4 large recreation centers (one on each campus), one free standing fitness center and  20 acres of outdoor space, an Olympic size pool with a diving tower, an 80 foot climbing wall, a ropes challenge course, a large picnic pavilion and a roller hockey rink.
  • Fitness and wellness classes each week, personal & small group training, and massage therapy.
  • Outdoor Trips, swimming and SCUBA lessons, and certification opportunities.
  • 57 club sports and a top 50 intramural program
  • Exciting yearly events, including the Big Chill, the largest 5k run/walk in New Jersey.

*Programs may be limited. Please check back for availability.

To view our facility schedule, click here.

Please download our app, RURec2Go to view schedule, facility hours and more!

Recreational Game Room
Student Centers and Activities

The Rutgers Zone is your one-stop shop for entertainment, great food, and Scarlet Knight pride.  Located in the Livingston Student Center, the Rutgers Zone provides a place to kick back, hang out with friends, watch your favorite teams, grab a snack between classes, or host your recruitment, celebration, or special event. 

Residential Care Team (Student Support)
Residence Life-Student Support

The Residential Care Team serves as a resource for all residential students living on any of the five campuses at Rutgers University–New Brunswick. We support students through a variety of creative initiatives, specialized services, outreach, and campus partnerships. Our unique placement within the department of Residence Life allows us to address concerns specific to living on campus, and to understand that residential experiences can have a profound impact on students’ academic and personal lives. Our goal is to assist students in navigating challenges that arise while they live on campus, and to support students through a successful residential experience.

Room Assignments and On-campus Housing Information
Department of Residence Life

Within the Department of Residence Life, the Office of Assignments manages the application, information, and placement of students into their residence hall rooms. This office is also where a student may request a room change or cancel their room assignment altogether. After a student is assigned, they are bound by the Residence Hall Contract (called Terms and Conditions). The Terms and Conditions should be reviewed before a student agrees to them. The office can be reached at oncampus@rutgers.edu or 848-445-0750.

RU Express
Rutgers Dining Services

Have funds deposited directly into your Campus ID card! 

RU Express is the official university debit account. It offers a convenient cash-free alternative that allows students, faculty, and staff to use their RUconnection ID card like a debit card. RU Express is administered in both the Rutgers Camden and New Brunswick/Piscataway campuses. Over 100 on-campus and off-campus locations are accessible through the swipe of your university RUconnection ID card.

RU Voting
Center for Youth Political Participation

Part of the Eagleton Institute’s Center for Youth Political Participation, RU Voting is a nonpartisan effort to register, mobilize and engage Rutgers University students to participate in politics and vote in local, state and national elections. RU Voting offers online tools and resources for students looking to register to vote, cast their vote, or become more involved in the elections process.

Rutgers Astronomical Society
Physics and Astronomy SAS

The Rutgers Astronomical Society (RAS) is open to all members of the Rutgers community and housed in the Serin Physics & Astronomy Building on the Busch Campus.  

The mission of the Rutgers Astronomical Society is to unite those who are fascinated with the vastness of space and are interested in discussing and observing the cosmos. The organization endeavors to make astronomy accessible for anyone with even the slightest interest by providing viewing opportunities, informative seminars, academic collaboration, and more. The RAS  is run by undergraduate students who are motivated in providing the best experience for both visitors and members alike. RAS hosts weekly public observing nights weather permitting.

RAS also wants to provide a unique and fun experience for our members by teaching, accomplishing projects using the available , and establishing a tight-knit community with people from a range of backgrounds. Programs include the Astrophotography group, where students meet to learn how to take astrophotography with and without telescopes, relevant software, and can capture the cosmos on camera!

RAS meetings are held in 330W in Serin every Thursday night. Public Observing Nights are 8:30 pm on Thursday Nights, weather permitting.  The first Thursday of every month is restricted to RAS members.  

Rutgers Collaborative Center
Collaborative Center for Community-Based Research and Service

The Collaborative Center for Community-Based Research and Service fosters campus-community partnerships that provide students meaningful community engagement opportunities that connect to their academic pursuits.  Students can be involved through our on-going programs where they can mentor local children, serve as research assistants, contribute to making our local food system more equitable, etc.  Most of our programs allow students to receive academic credit for their participation and provide a framework for understanding the community and reflect upon their service.  By engaging in long-term service opportunities, students gain workplace skills, build networks, and learn leadership skills.

Rutgers Esports Center
Student Centers and Activities

The Rutgers Esports Center is the physical home of Rutgers’ online gaming community. Located in the Busch Student Center, it is a place where gamers from around Rutgers University – both competitive and casual – can come together.

Learn more about the Esports Center - including hours and games - by visiting https://sca.rutgers.edu/student-centers/esports-center.


Rutgers Student Legal Services
The Office of Student Legal Services

All students - graduate, undergraduate, full-time, or part time - attending Rutgers - New Brunswick or RBHS are entitled to free legal advice, assistance, and referrals. This regards any legal issue, no matter when it happened, where it happened, or who was involved. All in-house consultations are free and with New Jersey licensed, practicing attorneys. All consultations are strictly confidential with full attorney-client privilege. Students can also be referred to attorneys for a reduced fee or free services from the Approved Referral Program administered jointly with the Middlesex County Bar Association. Other services include Notary, Educational Outreach, and Pre-Law Advice. Consultations by appointment only. No legal advice given over the phone. Not available to full-time employees.

Rutgers University Programming Association (RUPA)
Student Centers and Activities

The Rutgers University Programming Association (RUPA) is the university-wide student programming council that serves the entire Rutgers community.  We strive to do this by providing a variety of events appealing to the diverse student body on all five campuses. Examples include concerts and comedy shows with internationally known artists, the Annual Homecoming Charity Bed Races, entertaining lectures and performances, art projects, and much more. Follow RUPA on Instagram at @ruparutgers to stay up to date on all upcoming events.

Rutgers University Student Assembly (RUSA)
Student Centers and Activities

Rutgers University Student Assembly (RUSA) is the governing body for undergraduate students at the New Brunswick/Piscataway campuses. RUSA advocates on behalf of student concerns regarding official policies and priorities, provides a forum for the open expression of student ideas, and allocates student fee funding to over 400 student organizations through the RUSA Allocations Board. Goals include amplifying student voices, bridging communities to establish productive lines of communication, and engaging students to take an active role in issues within their communities. The Student Assembly meets Thursdays and RUSA Allocations meets Monday evenings.

Rutgers University-New Brunswick has several other students governing councils that represent their specific academic school and program. These are the Douglass Governing Council, Engineering Governing Council , Mason Gross Student Government Association, Pharmacy Governing Council, Rutgers Business Governing Association, and the SEBS Governing Council.


Safety Escorts
Public Safety

Rutgers University Police Department (RUPD) provides escorts to students, faculty, and staff upon request. The escorts, primarily walking, provide our community with personalized service to their vehicles, campus residence, or the University's mass transit system. To view mass transit hours, please visit the Rutgers Department of Transportation.

Social Justice Education & LGBTQIA+ Resources
Center for Social Justice Education & LGBT Communities (SJE)

Vision: We envision a Rutgers University where people of all identities and experiences are understood, appreciated, and fully included in the community, and where equitable treatment and outcomes prevail.

Mission: SJE promotes a supportive environment for students of all backgrounds, with a focus on gender and sexuality, while promoting both social and educational opportunities for leadership, identity, and social justice advocacy development. With a critical understanding of multiple identities and connected systems of oppression, SJE works collaboratively with students, faculty, staff, and community members to develop relevant initiatives and policies that center on diversity, inclusion, and intersections of identity.


Sponsored Case Competitions
Rutgers Business School

For all RBS-NB students seeking information on school-sponsored case competitions. For additional information, please reach out to your department head or program coordinator.

Student Basic Needs
Off-Campus Living & Community Partnerships

Basic needs include, but are not limited to, food, housing, clothing, childcare, mental health, financial resources, and transportation. At some point in a college student’s educational journey, they may face challenges in accessing adequate amounts of food, housing, financial or other resources. This is called basic needs insecurity; millions of college students experience it yearly. To ensure that basic needs are met for all Rutgers students, on-campus resources and those available in the surrounding community are listed throughout the basicneeds.rutgers.edu website including:  

  • Food Assistance  
  • Housing Assistance 
  • Emergency Aid 
  • Mental, Physical, & Spiritual Wellness 
  • Utility Assistance 
  • Internet & Technology 
  • Child Care Resources 
  • Faculty & Staff Resources 

Food and housing insecurity, as well as homelessness, often carry a significant stigma. If someone confides in you about facing these challenges, it's important to respond with compassion and understanding. You can refer them to the Offices of the Dean of Students or the Basic Needs Center at the College Ave. Student Center. Students seeking assistance can also complete online forms for emergency grants, textbook/technology assistance, or housing insecurity. Additionally, you can suggest other available resources. Remember, your support and kindness can make a profound difference in someone's life. We encourage you to also reach out to the Offices of the Dean of Students to share these concerns. 

Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/RUFoodPantry/

Instagram:  @rubasicneeds

Student Excellence, Equity, and Diversity in Data Science (SEED2S)
SAS SEED2S - Student Excellence, Equity, and Diversity in Data Science

Welcome to SAS SEED2S—the Student Excellence, Equity, and Diversity in Data Science Office, within the Division of Mathematical and Physical Sciences (MPS), specifically designed for data science students. 

Our primary goal is to empower students throughout their data science journey by offering a diverse range of student-focused services. Our mission revolves around enhancing the student experience. We're dedicated to ensuring student success by providing personalized support through peer mentoring, outreach, and tailored success plans. Our approach is centered on equipping students with the necessary knowledge, skills, and critical thinking abilities crucial for excelling in the field of data science. Discover the benefits of joining SAS SEED2S!

Student Leadership Opportunities - Leader Corps
Student Centers and Activities

Student Centers and Activities offers student leadership roles through the Leader Corps by coordinating and planning programs and events. These premier student leaders carry out their mission to provoke thought, cultivate confidence, and inspire action in the Rutgers community. The Leader Corps includes roles such as Lead Interns, Mark Conference Captains, RUAB Site Leaders and E-Board, Retreat Leaders, and Event Production Staff. Students gain valuable skills in demonstrated leadership, public speaking, event planning, peer management, social justice, initiative, innovation, and career development. The Leader Corps is a strong tie between student leaders and staff to help students explore, grow, and thrive during their college experience and beyond.

Student Parking Permit

Parking permits are required to park on campus within designated university lots. For a list of student permit types, their lot assignments, and hours, please see the link below.

Student Volunteer Engagement
Student Centers & Activities: Student Volunteer Engagement

At Rutgers University - New Brunswick, we highly value volunteering and service to the community. The experiences that students gain foster social responsibility and learning through community engagement and volunteer opportunities. We provide and support co-curricular opportunities which prepare students and inspire them to be active citizens, while inspiring them to be socially aware and civically involved in their communities.

Volunteering can make a huge impact on the lives of those who you are serving, as well as your own life. Getting involved through volunteering is a great way to get the most out of your Rutgers experience. You can make new friends while serving others and have fun at the same time. We invite you to take a look at all of the opportunities we have to offer and invest in the future of the greater New Brunswick community in which you are learning and living.

Connect with us at volunteer@echo.rutgers.edu.

Undergraduate Student Life
Rutgers Business School

For all RBS-NB undergraduates seeking information on involvement and leadership opportunities. For more information, please contact Matthew Peyrek, Coordinator of Student Experience and Engagement, at mpeyrek@business.rutgers.edu

Uwill - Student Mental Health & Wellness Solution
Rutgers Student Health

We are pleased to announce a partnership with Uwill, the leading student mental health and wellness solution. Uwill offers students free immediate access to teletherapy through its secure, easy-to-use online platform.

To schedule teletherapy, students can choose a therapist based on their preferences including issue, gender, language, & ethnicity. Students can create a profile and book their first session in just minutes by clicking here.

Welcome Week
Division of Student Affairs

Welcome Week supports the start students' academic and personal journey.  Welcome Week is filled with different activities and events that will focus on providing students opportunities to foster connections, learn about Rutgers culture and learn to navigate the campus and all its resources. As part of students' first initial days on campus, we have created a variety of activities that will inform, engage, and acclimate students to the RU Scarlet Knight community! 

Wellness Coaching
Rutgers Student Health

A wellness coach is someone who helps you focus on your present situation and provides general assistance to come up with strategies that will improve various aspects of your life. The idea is that you are the expert on your own life, and your coach is there to assist you with your plan. With regular meetings around your schedule, the two of you will work through possible solutions to reach your goal(s). Our coaches are not counselors or therapists. For more information, visit go.rutgers.edu/wellness-coach and get started today. Open to graduate and undergraduate students.

Student Centers and Activities

WRSU is one of the oldest college radio stations in the nation. WRSU on-air personalities range from first-semester students to longtime alumni and community members, and all are engaged in the long-standing WRSU tradition of designing their own playlists. WRSU boasts many shows featuring specialty programming, with Sunday devoted primarily to the sounds of world music. The station broadcasts all Rutgers football and basketball games from around the country, and is the flagship radio station of the Rutgers Women's Basketball team. WRSU news broadcasts a variety of news updates and issues talk shows, sending student reporters into the streets for original stories.

Tune in to 88.7 FM or listen live at radio.rutgers.edu.