Student Success Weeks (September 13 - 27):

Join us in a series of workshops, lab tours, and open houses.
Learn about academic, financial, career, and technology resources and strategies for success. 
Explore opportunities for on-campus research, internships, and employment with Federal Work Study.

The Office of Student Affairs Compliance & Title IX strives to provide a safe campus environment free from all forms of sex discrimination. We accomplish our mission through a collaborative approach that primarily focuses on addressing reported misconduct and providing education to the Rutgers community. We are committed to facilitating equitable response and resolution to all reported incidents of sexual harassment, sexual violence, relationship violence, stalking, and related misconduct among students.  We are also proud to provide awareness of Title IX by offering trainings, education, and other outreach efforts to the Rutgers community. Any student who experiences sexual harassment, sexual violence, stalking, or relationship violence is encouraged to report incidents to the Title IX Office, and to seek support from the confidential resources available on our campus and in the local community.

Student Affairs
Resource Categories
Involvement & Community - Campus Life - Health & Wellness
Involvement & Community - Campus Life - Off-campus & Commuter Services
Involvement & Community - Campus Life - On-campus Services
Involvement & Community - First-year Experience - Orientation & Transition
Involvement & Community - Private & Community Spaces - Communal Spaces
Involvement & Community - Private & Community Spaces - Creative Spaces
Involvement & Community - Private & Community Spaces - Private Spaces
Involvement & Community - Private & Community Spaces - Recreational Spaces
Success Essentials - Health & Wellness - Mental, Emotional, & Spiritual Health
Success Essentials - Health & Wellness - Physical Health
Success Essentials - Safety & Urgent Needs - Personal & Interpersonal Safety
Success Essentials - Safety & Urgent Needs - Report a Concern
How can students access this resource?
Which class level of students can access this resource?