RICAP strives to foster a safe environment on campus and to remove barriers to student success by providing immigration legal services. RICAP hosts community forums, informational Immigration presentations, and Know-Your-Rights training on all Rutgers campuses.
If you're seeking an appointment or have general questions, please contact RICAP:
- To Request an appointment with Immigration Attorney Jason Hernandez: Email: Mary Hewey mary.hewey@rutgers.edu
- Appointments: All consultations are confidential and at no cost.
- General Inquiries: RICAP-Info@law.rutgers.edu
- Phone: (856) 225-2302
Rutgers Immigration Community Assistance Program
Resource Category
Resource Categories
Success Essentials - Safety & Urgent Needs - Personal & Interpersonal Safety
How can students access this resource?
Which class level of students can access this resource?
Which academic populations can access this resource?